Cranfield Online Research Data (CORD)
7 files

Data supporting the publication 'Best Management Practices to Alleviate Deep-Seated Compaction in Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) Interrows (UK)'

posted on 2022-01-25, 12:03 authored by Lucie MaskovaLucie Maskova, Robert SimmonsRobert Simmons, Lynda DeeksLynda Deeks

Attached files include data on infiltration (mm hr-1) and penetration resistance (MPa) data from 2016 to 2020. In this project, we investigated the long-term efficacy of a range of Best Management Practices (BMPs) targeted at preventing or remediating soil compaction in asparagus interrows as compared to conventional practice. BMPs included (1) companion crops - Rye (Sereale cecale L.), Mustard (Sinapis alba L.), (2) interrow surface mulch applications (straw mulch and PAS 100 compost in combination with shallow soil disturbance (SSD)) and (3) a combination of conventional tillage practices (re-ridging (R) and SSD) against (4) a zero-tillage option. Treatment codes: Bare soil = no interrow application; SSD = shallow soil disturbance; R or NR = re-ridging or non-ridging. Depths are recorded in cm unless different units are specified.


AHDB Horticulture

Cranfield University

Cobrey Farms Ltd.


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