Cranfield Online Research Data (CORD)
6 files

Data for the paper "Stochastic multi-objective optimisation of the cure process of thick laminates"

posted on 2018-07-31, 14:58 authored by Konstantinos Tifkitsis, Giacomo StruzzieroGiacomo Struzziero, Alex SkordosAlex Skordos
-Surrogate_model_validation.xlsx includes the data corresponding to the comparison between FE and surrogate model (responses surfaces, PDF of model error, stochastic simulation)

-Uncertainty_quantification_results.xlsx includes the results of uncertainty quantification of convection coefficient and tool temperature.

-Stochastic_optimisation_results.xlsx includes the stochastic and deterministic Pareto points of stochastic and deterministic optimisation respectively.

-Sensitivity_analysis_results.xlsx includes the data corresponding to the sensitivity analysis of standard and optimal profiles.

-flat_panel_15.6mm.dat : Marc input corresponding to Cure model of this study

-usub.f: contains all the subroutines for material properties and boundary conditions


EPSRC grant RPOACM (EP/K031430/1)


Authoriser (e.g. PI/supervisor)